Wednesday, April 14, 2010

and so it goes again

ALRIGHT. I'm back. SO, for all you WAY in the dark, I'm pregnant again (no.4) and Christmas season found me back in the ER with the usual complications. Luckily we were ready this time around. We had the home care nurses all set up, and we had Stacey, our new beloved nanny, lined up and ready to take over maternal duties for awhile. As a result, I don't think this go-round was nearly as bad as the last. I am still doing IVs every other night, but I think even these will come to an end soon as I am feeling nearly back to normal.
The kids are all doing amazing.
James is very into fossils and rocks, skeletons and coral, dinosaurs and starfish, biking and soccer. That kid is always GOING, be it his brain, his mouth, or his legs. He still manages to keep Corey and I up at night with his endless curiosity.
Sean is sweeter than ever. His communication skills have taken off and he's about the most polite thing you ever did see, even when it's simply to say very sorrowfully, "I'm sorry but I just can't talk to you right now" which many of you may recognize and Sean's way of letting you know he's just a little overwhelmed right now and needs a little bit of his own quiet time to readjust. You'll also often hear him say, "I reawy ruv you."
Jeanne is ... Jeanne! She's such a hoot to be around. She's definitely her own little person. Her vocabulary is just blossoming. It seems she has a name for almost everything, and while she says mama, daddy, statey, jays, and gees (for herself), our favorite is how she refers to sean as hmm hmm (said without ever opening her mouth.) She has her own favorite things, too, such as doggies. She does NOT like it when they pass her by.
I'll just go ahead and post a bunch of slideshows below to also help you guys get caught up in how they've grown since... apparently halloween! as always, be sure to double click on the slideshows to get access to some pretty great video footage, as well. Miss you all and so glad to be back among the living!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

hectic halloween

james' soccer game in the morning, wedding at nd midday, come home and dress up kids, go to windingbrook halloween party, go trick-or-treating, come home, redress up to go to wedding reception. smiling all day. priceless. enjoy the pix of our happy gnome, transformer, and ...thomas?

Friday, October 23, 2009

cheerio, old chaps!

SO grateful to mom and dad cressy for watching our chitlins whilst corey and i ran off to ye olde london towne to visit the romeros. we had an absolute blast, and while we were in fact anxious to get back and snog on our own kids, we were sad to bid farewell. please enjoy the pix!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Fall is here!

my favorite season is here again!! the ND alumni club hosted a fun evening complete with pumpkin picking, a hayride, feeding the animals, roasting marshmallows, making caramel apples, and more! it was out at bertrand farm (member we used to go out there for co-op, mom?) we've also hit up last year's favorite spot- amazing acres, with it's corn kernel pit, goat feeding up high, and, new this year- tractor races and sliding through the hill tunnel!

Mishawaka Riverwalk

Check out our little metropolis! What a great downtown walk to have. The kids are especially big fans.

Seanny boy turns 3!!!

three fingers is a hard number for a kid to hold up! Sean's getting some good practice though. He had a wonderful b-day complete with good friends and family and his favorite- a Thomas cake!

some more fun in september

there's some good videos in here, as well, so be sure to double click on the slideshows for your viewing pleasure!